Former Board

Alex Landberg, Membership/Development Committee Co-Chair

Alex Landberg, Membership/Development Committee Co-Chair

Alex first became involved with the Chicago Audubon Society as a volunteer at the Camp Pine Woods habitat restoration project, and officially joined the board in the Spring of 2020.

Originally from Northern California, Alex has lived and worked in the Chicago-area for the last 10 years, primarily in the non-profit sector. He currently resides in Des Plaines with his wife and two young boys.

Jeffrey Sanders, Research Committee

Jeffrey Sanders, Research Committee

A longtime birder, Jeff started birding in 1961, and has participated in over 200 bird counts since 1963. He compiled the Chicago Urban Christmas Bird Count since its start in 1966, also contributing to the compilation of bird counts in Waukegan, Chautauqua, and Kane Counties.

Jeff joined the CAS board in 1998, and was the Field Trip chairman for ten years, and served on the Nominating Committee several times. Also active in other birding organizations, Jeff was the Field Trip chair for the Evanston Northshore Bird Club for 37 years, and has also served on the Park Ridge Audubon, Fort Dearborn Audubon and Lake-Cook Audubon (still active).

Judy Cheske, Communications Committee Chair

Judy Cheske, Communications Committee Chair

Judy first became involved with Chicago Audubon in 2019, volunteering to build their new website. Always interested in birds and conservation, she became a Montrose Beach Piping Plover Monitor the same year, and later joined the CAS as a board member. She considers herself a novice birder and is enjoying rediscovering the world through the eyes of a conservationist, always learning. She is grateful for opportunities to combine her passion for conservation, her love of nature and animals, and her technical/communications expertise.

Radhika Miraglia

Radhika Miraglia

Radhika has been engaging people in conservation efforts ever since she led the environmental committee at her high school.

She has a master’s degree in Conservation Biology, with a focus in community-based conservation efforts. Radhika has been working in the Chicagoland environmental community for 20 years, in outreach, education, volunteer and fundraising capacities.

As the Advocacy & Engagement Director at Friends of the Forest Preserves, Radhika now leads a team of organizers who integrate the lives of a diversity of individuals with the wonders of our forest preserves in order to build a sustainable, healthy future for local biodiversity.

Devoutly committed to protecting animals since she was a little girl, Radhika was honored to join the Chicago Audubon Society board in 2018.

Kim Ruffin, Program Committee

Kim Ruffin,  Program Committee

As a child, Kim fell in love with the outdoors climbing trees, playing on dirt mounds, and riding bicycles off homemade ramps in flip-flops. Inspired by her family’s legacy of nature stewardship, she became an educator and author. A desire to open more doors for nature connection led her to become a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide. She is excited about inviting people to encounter other forms of nature and each other. Through her company, Cardinal Encounters, she celebrates the joys of life on Earth.

Kim joined the CAS board in 2019.