Your Petitions Delivered to McCormick Place. They are Researching Options.

Bird Friendly Chicago leaders including CBA President Judy Pollock spoke at the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Board on October 30, which oversees McCormick Place. Board members and CEO Larita Clark thanked us and expressed a desire to treat the windows in some way in order to greatly reduce collisions. We look forward to their decision and hope that birds’ lives will be spared during spring migration.

The petition with over 10,300 signatures was presented, and some of your comments were read. We informed the MPEA that many of you gave your email addresses for updates, and offered to pass along any message from them to those of you that gave your emails.

For a full accounting of the meeting, we recommend this article written by Patti Wetli. The link also contains videos of the comments of Annette Prince and Judy Pollock.