Bird Friendly Chicago Identifies Steps to Reduce Bird Mortality in Our City

photo: 6 of 1000 birds killed at McCormick Place on October 5, Daryl Coldren

Annette Prince CBCM 630-841-7110 Judy Pollock CAS 847-962-7868

The tragic death and injury of nearly a thousand birds at the McCormick Lakeside facility on October 5, and the thousands that are harmed yearly at downtown buildings, confirms Chicago's unfortunate designation as the city posing the greatest threat to migratory birds in North America. Millions of birds travel through our area each year facing the hazards of urban lighting and glass building designs. The events at McCormick place are not isolated or even that unusual. Many more birds already have and will continue to perish in Chicago. The time has come for Chicago to take action to prevent this completely unnecessary and avoidable loss of life.

We are calling for:
- participation of McCormick Place Lakeside Center and all downtown and lakefront buildings in the established and proven successful Lights Out program: light reduction from 11 pm through sunrise every night during migration seasons
- full implementation of bird-friendly building requirements for new construction before the end of 2023,
- prioritizing retrofitting of existing buildings for bird safety.

The one thousand dead birds found at McCormick Place on October 5 is a strong wakeup call. Bright interior and exterior lighting can disorient birds and attract them towards dangerous glass during their nighttime migrations. The events of last week point to the disastrous consequences of a building that will not turn lights out every night of spring and fall migration. We are calling for those managing the McCormick Place Lakeside facility, or, if necessary, the Governor of Illinois and the Mayor of Chicago, to take immediate and urgent action to require that interior lights at McCormick Place East be extinguished every night of migration. This can be accomplished if they require exhibitors to draw shades or turn out lights at night. These protections have been shown by Field Museum researchers to result in an 80% reduction in bird strikes at this building.

Under the right circumstances of heavy migration and adverse weather conditions, a building has the potential for mass casualties if interior and/or exterior lights are not extinguished. Other buildings, particularly those adjoining the lake, river and green spaces in Chicago, that are not turning their lights out are one perfect storm away from becoming that building. Even if conditions do not bring thousands of birds, the hundreds or dozens of birds harmed each night of migration is a tragedy. A sobering accumulation of tens of thousands of bird strikes occurs throughout the Chicago area each year. The simple act of light reduction plays an important role in decreasing bird collisions and keeping the nights of migration darker and safer for birds.


As dramatic as these events caused by lighting are, the steady drip of mortality due to collisions with glass adds up to an even bigger total. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that windows can be bird collision proofed either during construction or after the fact. Bird-friendly design requirements for new construction were approved by City Council in 2020 and have been widely reviewed. We call on the Mayor and the Department of Planning and Development to implement these long-overdue guidelines. While we wait, two nearby cities have used Chicago's guidelines to implement these regulations. Each year of delay has resulted in the creation of more unsafe buildings that in their lifetime will needlessly kill tens of thousands of birds.

Finally, we as a city need to begin a conversation about how to solve the bigger problem of retrofitting the expanses of glass on existing buildings, especially those already known to be bird-killers. There are many new products on the market that are attractive and preserve the transparency of glass while effectively preventing bird collisions. What will induce the owners of buildings that are killing hundreds of birds each year to install these?

Bird Friendly Chicago:

Annette Prince, Director Chicago Bird Collision Monitors

Matthew Igleski, Executive Director; Judy Pollock, President Chicago Audubon Society

Edward Warden, President Chicago Ornithological Society

Partners and Supporters:


Jerry Adelmann, President/CEO,



Eric Secker, President
Bird Conservation Network


Douglas Stotz, Senior Conservation Ecologist

Keller Science Action Center, Field Museum of Natural History


David Willard, Retired Collections Manager
Division of Birds, Field Museum of Natural History


Jeanne Gang, founding principal and partner

Studio Gang 


Seth Magle, Director

Urban Wildlife Institute, Lincoln Park Zoo


Juanita Irizarry

Friends of the Parks


Andrew Farnsworth Ph.D. Visiting Scientist

Center for Avian Populations Studies, Cornell Lab of Ornithology


Michelle Parker, Vice President

National Audubon Society


Erin Amico. President and CEO

Chicago Academy of Sciences / Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum


Michelle Carr, Illinois Director

The Nature Conservancy


Emily Tallo, Ren Dean, Zelle Tenorio, Addie Shrodes, Coordinators

Feminist Bird Club Chicago


The organizers of Chicago BIPOC Birders 


Roberta Asher, Board Chair

International Crane Foundation


Jo Fessett, Executive Director

Illinois Audubon Society


Andrea Tolzmann, President

Illinois Ornithological Society


Benjamin Cox, Executive Director
Friends of the Forest Preserves


Paul Botts, Executive Director

The Wetlands Initiative


The Climate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapter


Molly Adams, Founder,

Feminist Bird Club


Heidi Natura, CEO

Living Habitats LLC


Jill Riddell, founder, operator

Office of Modern Composition


Benjamin Van Doren, Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Daryl Coldren, Collection Assistant

Division of Birds, Field Museum of Natural History


Stephen Mitten, SJ, Senior Lecturer 

Loyola University Chicago School of Environmental Sustainability 


Joel S. Brown, Distinguished Professor Emeritus

University of Illinois at Chicago


Jacob Drucker, Ph.D. Candidate,

University of Chicago


Christopher J Whelan

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago


Rita Renwick, President 

Will County Chapter, Illinois Audubon Society


Mark Luscombe, President

Fort Dearborn Chapter, Illinois Audubon Society


John Sprovieri, President

Kane County Audubon


Dennis Endicott, President

Peoria Audubon Society