Support a New Southside Park, Say No to Toxic Waste

URGENT environmental threat to Chicago Waterways System - The South Lakefront doesn’t need a 25-foot mountain of toxic dredge. 

Support the Friends of the Parks and the Sierra Club in their efforts to stop the expansion of the Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), run by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, located at the confluence of the Calumet River and Lake Michigan and situated between Calumet Park and Steelworkers Park, and important bird habitat.

The CDF sits on Chicago Park District land and was set to close in 2022 and developed into a park. Now the Corps is attempting to expand the pollution dump for another 25-plus-years, putting the 10th Ward, Environmental Justice Communities on the Southeast Side, and bird and wildlife at continued risk for exposure to toxic dredge and pollutants.

Contact your local, state and federal officials by August 17 when the comment period ends, using both the Friends of the Parks and Sierra Club contacts.