Spring Bird Count: Saturday, 5/4/24

The Spring Bird Count (SBC) is Saturday, May 4th! This upcoming count is a census for Illinois birds and has been running for 50+ years. By keeping a tally of birds seen, we can better understand population trends and work towards more effective methods of conservation.

In 2023, there were 447,148 total birds counted, with 272 species recorded. In Cook County alone, 204 species were identified. Per the 2023 SBC report, the top three species in terms of abundance for Illinois last year were 

1) Red-winged Blackbird

2) American Robin

3) European Starling

An open question to be answered this year is whether the summer drought suffered in 2023 will impact 2024’s final numbers. Last year many wetlands in Illinois were dry, and the lack of food or nesting habitat may have impacted reproduction rates. Overcrowding in fewer viable areas could have also spread disease. There is much interest in seeing how 2024’s final numbers turn out.

This count would not be possible without the compilers and volunteers who are spending their Saturday monitoring birds - a huge thank you to them! Their contributions to citizen science are invaluable.  

To learn more, visit https://chicagobirdalliance.org/spring-bird-count

2023 Results

IL: https://spring-bird-count.inhs.illinois.edu/files/2024/04/SBC2023_Report_Final.pdf

Cook County: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c55e297d745629395a83510/t/661fc530e88bf637808aaa91/1713358129396/2023+Spring+Bird+Count+Cook+County.pdf


The Urban Bird Niche

The Urban Bird Niche

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Chicago Continues to Fail Migrating Birds

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CBA Bird Art Contest

CBA Bird Art Contest

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Brown Thrasher, Audubon Photography Awards/Peter Waksmundzki

Tune Up For Spring! Using eBird to Study Birds

Tune Up For Spring! Using eBird to Study Birds

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Is Migration Happening Earlier?

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Photo Credit: Gregory Ball/Audubon Photography Awards

The Monty and Rose Wildlife Habitat

 The Monty and Rose Wildlife Habitat

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