Be a Voice for Birds

Four planning processes going in in Chicago right now could have big implications for bird habitat. Anyone that uses these places is needed to submit public comment in support of bird habitat. Also, CAS is looking for people to adopt two of these processes, keep us informed, and gather and submit birder feedback.

Chicago River confluence with North Shore Channel (River/Ronan Parks and surrounding area)

Take the survey and sign up for updates. This is a really important spot for birds and it could be much better. If you live nearby and would like to get involved in bird conservation along the river, please contact

North Pond: meetings starting November 11

Chicago Ornithological Society is leading the charge on this one. Again, this will have a big impact on bird habitat. If you’re interested, attend a meeting or fill out the survey.

Lake Shore Drive: survey deadline November 9

Four options are presented: is one better for birds? If you’d like to help CAS assess whether a position is needed, contact

“North Union” - Moody Bible Institute - meeting November 12

Is this one we should care about? What’s your opinion?


Did we miss any? Let us know.