An Open Letter to Governor Pritzker from CAS: Save Bell Bowl Prairie

Photo: Bobolink in a Prairie by Ruhikanta Meetei/Audubon Photography Awards

The Chicago Audubon Society has sent an Open Letter to Illinois Governor JB Pritzker imploring him to help Save Bell Bowl Prairie.

February 27, 2022

Governor JB Pritzker
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

Dear Governor Pritzker:

We are writing to ask for your assistance to “Save Bell Bowl Prairie.” We are one of many groups who oppose the destruction of one of the last remaining gravel prairies in the state of Illinois. As you are aware, Illinois has less than 0.01% of its original prairie intact.

Bell Bowl Prairie is a Category I, high-quality dry gravel prairie. There are currently Endangered species on this prairie including the federally Endangered rusty patched bumblebee and the state Endangered large-flowered beardtongue and prairie dandelion. In addition, there are many birds such as the Northern Harrier, aka Marsh Hawk, that is state Endangered and utilizes the prairie.

Surely there can be a solution other than the destruction of this highly endangered ecosystem. Perhaps the road can be rerouted so that this prairie remains intact for its historic, cultural, and scientific importance both locally and globally.

Chicago Audubon Society celebrated 50 years in 2021 with our mission and vision to connect people with birds and nature through educational programming, field trips, advocacy, stewardship and research. We are proud to be an organization that values an approach that is problem-solving, collaborative, science-based, welcoming, inclusive, and enthusiastic about learning and teaching about birds and nature. We watch the decline of bird populations and the advent of climate change and believe that we all need to do more to preserve the few bits of original nature that we have.Thank you in advance for any assistance you provide to avert this devastation of prairie and wildlife.

We appreciate your positive approach to the environment in Illinois for future generations.


Judy Pollock
Chicago Audubon Society

The Rockford Airport Board has been clear - they are not going to change the plan. Governor Pritzker or our Senators could intervene. It’s time to contact them. And if you can, attend the Airport Board meeting on Thursday. At this link you can find all the information. Please, take a few minutes to make your feelings known- we can’t let this happen on our watch.